Random Thoughts

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Art or story? Which is more important??

I am going to take the easy way out and say I think the Story and Art have to go hand in hand... because comics is a visual medium as well as a written one.

Jim Aparo art can tell a story on its own. In fact IIRC it did in Batman in the 430's... during The Many Deaths of the Batman part 1... there were no words or captions... everything had to be conveyed through the art.

Another reason why art may be JUST as important as story is no matter HOW good the story is if the artist does a series of splash pages and doesn't know how to tell a sequential story through art... the best written story would be lost.

I don't want to bash Rob Liefeld... but put Alan Moore on a book with Rob Liefeld and you would get a totally different story than if you put Alan on the SAME book with Gene Ha. Gene knows how to tella fantastic sequential story while Rob is more in your face action... but Gene could get all the nuances of Moore's story while I think Rob might fail at that.


  • I would have to agree that both are equally important. That's why they are comic books. There are times when the story seems to be confusing or slow and the art helps me get through it. Then there are the times when I could care less about the art because the story is just so darn good that I want to get to the next bubble to see what happens.

    By Blogger Willenator, at 7:25 AM  

  • Can you give an example of art so bad you weren't bothered by it because the story was SO GOOD?

    By Blogger He Said... She Said, at 9:23 PM  

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